Saturday, May 26, 2012

Looking like Marilyn Monroe

I got this whish when i saw the dress: Dashwood - " Riley" Spring Grp Gift - Gift Bag.
In the place of the bow, you find a rose,  also there are no plissês,  also it is not pearl satin, hehehehe, all was ok to me, because i wanted be like her!
So i went look for a hair... the most closed i could find is **Pocket Mirrors** Clara Curly Platinum. Unfortunatelly not sold individual, i had to get the pack... not  spency if you think in what you get, spency looking to my pocket, but was for a whish!
Now the shoes, i went direct to N-Core... yes they have the perfect shoes for this set... but spency again! so i decide be in my budget... and got this mesh one, that you change colours of everything by menu: YV - NORA - DRESS HEELS - [PACK], 190L$ at marketplace. Yeahhh... but very usable ;)))
The skin was in my mind since the begin, i bloged before, is a gift of Jesylilo: #23#Skins and Hairs Hunt Jesylilo.
Out of my budget, i had to look inside my inventory, so i got the lips makeup from LionSkins, if you like still existing: LIPS/teeth 16-LionSkins. This lips are very closed to her lips, in my opnion... its why i used.
The earrings... later night...i did myself... if someone got interested, ask me by email, i will send a free copy.
The eyes... Marilyn has green hazel eyes... Well, now a days you find mesh eyes with hud to configure anything by around 450L$..., and i recomend like investment, but, how my budget is very short, i decided try .ID. MESH Eyes , that cost 50l$ only for mesh ones... (expence if you think better... ). Well, this eyes you need to edit, not dificulty, but need some expertise in edit tools. in this case dont use the alpha layer... is possible do the right adjust without it, how you see in my photos.

Poses are adorkable, shaped by me.
Hope you enjoy... and maybe create your own divas!

Above... the whish... Under... the reality...

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful tribute to Marilyn! Looks just like her! Well done!
