How i told other day... i have no time to post all good stuff i find around... so i let some job to you!
I love to be simple and love to feel myself confortable! Hope you enjoy my suggestions! \\ô.ô//
At letf:
Bag: !gO! Laugh every day (old gift, now a days cost L$ 44)
Necklace: !gO! Peace... walk to the free stuff, L$0
Shoes: Cafe*Amie Sneaker Brown_R - current group gift L$0
Eyelashes: Lucious Redgrave, not free
Nails: Izzie's - Glitter Nails old gift
Eyes: Mayfly - Deep Sky Mesh Eyes (not free)
Hair: A&A Jill Hair Grey, that i add color, L$0
Pants: *Little fish* Vintage jeans 1, L$1
Top: Amour Fashion - Lush Top, L$2 (part of one outfit)
Skin: JeSyLiLO*:::GroupGiftSkin:::*Spring L$0
Lip Gloss: .:Glamorize:. Sheer Colored Glosses 03, still in store for L$10
At Right:
Bag: * CHANDELLE * Bag Marry. Valentine's Day , old gift
Shirt: ~CandyMetal~ Teshan Outfit (part of the outfit)
Necklace: Bliensen + MaiTai - La Gamme Du Printemps - Necklace for men - old gift
Shoes: !gO! *Crazy Colors Blueberry*, flower luck chair L$0
Pants: Amour Fashion - Black Marble Belted (part de outfit i mentioned above)
Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * LOTTA * /darkbrown-groupgift
Skin: Hush - Paige - BabyDoll - Honey - MdBrws NC, very nice one, group gift L$0
Others: are the same of the Left outfit.
The dress:
It cost L$99 in world store or here. Muuuahh to Rispetto!
You will find nice quality options for very low price, like the ones i am showing here and in older posts.
Complementing this look i wear...
Shoes: ::CHoOoZ:: "Cosette": DeepSea Aqua&Platinum (comes in gold too), L$1
Earrings: Bliensen + MaiTai - La Gamme Du Printemps , old gift
Hair: MONS / Hair - Archan (blonde) mod, group gift L$100 to join
Skin and others ... look above.
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